Product Description
Calibration of this equipment is required wherever measuringinstruments, data loggers and probes are used in quality-related areas.Even the slightest of measurement errors can drastically affect thesafety of production processes, or product quality.
In mostcases, ISO calibrations which fulfil the requirements of the variousstandards and are traceable to national standards are sufficient. Whatare referred to as ISO certificates are then issued for thesecalibrations.
With this ISO calibration certificate forhumidity, yourmeasuring instrument or probe is calibrated at thefollowing points: 11.3% and 75.3% relative humidity at 25 °C.
Ifyou require ISO calibration at other calibration points, please contactus directly. We offer other ISO calibration certificates.
Delivery Scope
ISO calibration certificate for humidity with the calibration points:11.3% RH and 75.3% RH at +25 °C.
Testo SE & Co. KGaA